Visual studio for beginners : how to Create or add a Installer (Setup.Exe) Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio 2015, VS 2010, VS 2012, VS 2013?
VB.NET and C# Tutorials : How to Create or add a Installer (Setup.Exe) Wizard VB.NET or C# Project in Visual Studio 2015, VS 2010, VS 2012, VS 2013 using InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio? In visual studio 2015 you can't find the InstallShield Component by default. so you must download and install it before, You can download it after fill the registrations form for free edition, just fill the required form and get InstallShield installer for free.
Create Installer Project
Open your visual studio and Click New project > Other Project Types > Setup and Deployment. See Figure for step by step to tutorials.
Figure 1 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
Figure 2 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
Figure 3 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
Figure 4 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
Figure 5 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
Figure 6 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
Figure 7 - Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
After finishing, Click menu Project and Build the Setup Project, wait up to finished, after finished open your file Setup project and you will find setup wizard has been finished.
Installations Our Project
Figure 1 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 2 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 3 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 4 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 5 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 6 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 7 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Figure 8 - Installations Project Visual Studio
Video tutorial How to Create a Setup Wizard VB.NET or C# Project Visual Studio
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